Fred Ho

Fred Ho (August 10, 1957 – April 12, 2014) is a jazz baritone saxophonist, composer, bandleader, playwright, writer, and social activist. He has written and produced many books and albums, including most recently the books Diary of a Radical Cancer Warrior (2011) and Raw Extreme Manifesto (2012), and the albums Snake Eaters and The Year of the Tiger. He is one of the founders of Scientific Soul Sessions. 


SCIENTIFIC because we seek answers and solutions. We strive towards proving the unprovable and disproving the proven. 

SOUL because we believe in each self moving beyond its limits, reaching out to people, natural creatures and to the cosmos, imagining and doing the impossible! 

Our SESSIONS are liberated spaces combining arts and politics to create a soul-changing experience for all ages, focused on community and creativity. 

the maroon party for liberation has continue with the legacy of Fred Ho and Scientific Soul Sessions in prefiguring a new society with the tenets and principles of our rooted foundation.


SSS members are united by the drive to prefigure a new society free of imperialism, colonization, racism, heteropatriarchy & capitalist exploitation. 

We stand up against all forms of social inequality & we stand for the dignity & self-determination of oppressed peoples. 

The leadership for this movement will first & foremost be women & oppressed nationalities. It is based on excellence & experimentation. 



Together, as members of Scientific Soul Sessions: 

1. We promote ecosocialism: the unity of humanity with the planet's ecosystems. As aspiring ecosocialists, we aim for existence based on the same respect indigenous peoples have always had for the earth and returning to producers the rightful share of the fruits of their labor. We respect our Mother Earth as provider of all life on this planet. We take concrete steps to lessen our ecological footprint for the health and well-being of all beings and future generations. 

2. We are building towards a matriarchal future, which will be the opposite of patriarchy, not its mirror image.  Matriarchy will be a revolutionary future, in which the social construct of gender is eliminated and humanity is re-socialized, in which the values of caring, nurturance, creativity, compassion and collectivity dominate. We denounce gynocide: the ways that capitalism and white supremacy have attempted to break the spirit of struggle by inflicting violence upon and de-valuing women and all we represent. 

3. Our decision-making process emphasizes imagination, improvisation and intuition leading the way into the new and unforeseen; perception, wisdom, communal balance, and the art of listening and reception, as ways to overcome brute power. In all decisions, we keep the seventh generation of our descendants in mind (as taught by many indigenous peoples). 

4. We recognize spirituality as an essential element in the struggle for liberation. Our name is Scientific Soul: "Scientific" because we seek answers and solutions; "Soul" because we believe in each self moving beyond its limits, reaching out to people, natural creatures and to the cosmos, imagining and doing the impossible! 

5. We bring art and politics together in provocative ways in our quest for excellence and the impossible dream!  We see anti-capitalist analysis and anti-imperialist aesthetics as the paradigm for a new way of being and living that is not dictated by Western capitalist values. 

6. Through forward-thinking artistic creation and political organizing, we realize SSS leadership principles of commitment, capacity, and clarity. 

7. Recognizing the self-determination of oppressed nationalities and the strength of a United Front, our leadership is principally composed of oppressed nationalities and women. Each of us checks our privilege and takes responsibility to change the ways we reproduce our internalized racism and oppression. 

8. We refuse to compromise and be made mediocre by institutions such as the NGO/Non-profit Industrial Complex.  We aim to be self-sufficient. 

9. We are intergenerational. We acknowledge the experience and dedication of our elders. We respect the energy and fresh visions of the young. 

10. We are internationalist. We seek to build a united front across boundaries and divides. 

11. We are revolutionaries! We don't think capitalism is fixable.
